Super September: Monthly Review

It’s been a super September at the OER Research Hub: here’s an overview of what we’ve been up to over the past month: Open Research Course  We had 139 people sign-up for our School of Open course Open Research! This four-week community … Continue reading

Writing for Change: Pre-Course Survey

This post was originally published on Peer 2 Peer University’s blog on 29 September 2014.  Are you participating in Peer to Peer University’s (P2PU) Writing for Change course? Did you recently complete a pre-course survey? Curious as to what the survey was … Continue reading

OER Research Hub: August Review

As September beckons, here’s a quick round-up of what’s been happening at the Hub over the past month: Join us to explore Open Research As you might be aware, we’ve been working on our School of Open Open Research course over the … Continue reading