Putting a pin in a map: Mapping evidence from OERRH Research Hub surveys

As part of the OER Research Hub the community has been asked to respond to surveys examining OER awareness and usage. This has been done using the online web service SurveyMonkey. One of the features of SurveyMonkey is to record … Continue reading


Last weekend saw over 1600 people get together at this year’s Mozilla Festival. I made my way down to Ravensbourne College on Saturday and have put together a quick Storify to capture some of the amazing collaborations, sessions and people that … Continue reading

Is There a Gender Divide Around OER and Educational Technology?

The month of March has been a memorable one for our project – it was all about celebration! Like the rest of the OER community we joined in the fun of Open Education Week to help raise awareness of the global … Continue reading

Educating in Beta

Current activity within open education can be characterised as having reached a beta phase of maturity. In much the same way that software progresses through a release life cycle, beta is the penultimate testing phase, after the initial alpha-testing phase, … Continue reading