Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS) Launch

Yesterday I was in Edinburgh, Scotland for the Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS) project kick-off meeting and to run a “highly interactive session” to capture experiences and thoughts on OER and OEP in Scotland. Martin was also there, speaking … Continue reading

Where Sheila’s been this week – revisiting #OERRHub and the researcher as an API analogy

Originally posted on howsheilaseesIT:
I spent the early part of this week in Milton Keynes with the OER Research Hub team as part of the second phase of the project evaluation. When I worked with the team last year one…

May Update: What’s new at the Hub?

The weather may have cooled down since Bea’s review of our activity in April, but it’s been another scorcher of a month here at the OER Research Hub (OERRH) during May… Visitors  Fresh back from OER14 in Newcastle, we were honoured to … Continue reading

SPARCing debate on Open Access

As part of our field work in Washington DC last month I met with Heather Joseph who is Executive Director of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), a membership organization of academic and research libraries. Their mission is … Continue reading

Connexions Conference and Sprint Days (Part I)

Tuesday’s Connexions conference (see here for the full programme) and the content and coding sprint days which followed were a fantastic experience: there was some great talks (both the keynote, Susan Badger, and the session on “Impact: Faculty and Student … Continue reading